A powerful factory to create, buy, sell & swap NFTs with your own collections

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Dapp Kredeum

A simple & effective solution

Manage your NFTs in one single decentralized wallet dashboard

From web 2 to web 3 with Kredeum NFT powerful smart contracts


Easiest way to dive into the NFT world


Real decentralized NFT minting and exchanging

Cross chain

Mint on one network, claim them on others networks


Swap your NFT versus others NFT between users

Web2 to Web3

For all web2 users new to web3


NFT contract specific

Gold miner

Like The Graph curators

Powerfull smartcontract

Mint / sell / swap in same smartcontract

Kredeum Wordpress plugin

You can also use our Wordpress plugin

  • Archive media from WordPress media library to IPFS
  • Mint NFT image from WordPress media library
  • Import existing NFT into WordPress media library (beta)
  • Sell easily on OpenSea any NFTs created in your Wordpress
  • Sell your NFTs directly on your website (with a simple shortcode)
  • Plus Dapp features embedded as a WP BackOffice page
Discover the plugin
Kredeum Wordpress NFT Kredeum Wordpress plugin


We support Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Fantom and Avalanche networks.

You can mint your NFT directly through our platform, then with a simple click directly find a link to your freshly created NFT on the OpenSea Marketplace.

Currently Kredeum NFTs plugin mint ERC721 NFTs and can display most of your NFTs ERC721 and some ERC1155 (it may depends on the network).

In the future ERC1155 may be used to implement mulmedia NFT types : i.e. sounds, videos, pdf, etc...

You can mint any kind of files or medias.

Kredeum NFTs roadmap included other types like video, sound, pdf, etc...

No, Kredeum app is totally free.

However, there are some blockchains costs : to Mint NFTs you will need to pay gas to the blockchain, that can be about 0 $ on some blockchain (like Polygon), but can be very expensive on others, more than 50 $ (on Ethereum blockchain).

All the FAQ